Search Update
A first update of our search feature has been pushed this week 🔥

- Free search field
- First name or last name
- Contact city or country
- Contact linkedin url
- Job title
- Company name
- Company domain or Linkedin url
- Company city or country

Use the searchbar you’ll find on top of your filter menu to search on :
- Additional job titles
We’ve made a big increase in the number of job titles available in our “job title” filter, with now 34 millions unique values 🚀
We’ve also added the possibility to add a free value in the job title filter if you don’t find what you’re looking for in the options available or if you want to target job titles that contain a specific word.

Speech to text
We are thrilled to announce the launch of an innovative new feature on our platform: Speech-to-Text. This feature allows you to draft email sequences and take notes quickly and effortlessly, simply by speaking.